Jun 13, 2006
This week we take a take a look at Walt's predictions for
entertainment and communication for 2006. After that we head to
Universal Studios to take in our third movie in our 3D series,
Shrek 3D. Shrek also happens to be my favorite out of all of the 3D
movies in Orlando. It's just well done, and the detail in the queue
is both well done and hilarious!
At the start, I promise audio from our trip to Ripley's Believe it
or Not in St. Augustine, but I ran out of time and just tossed in a
teaser at the end of one exhibit. I hate it when my shows are
longer than 40 minutes. So I'll toss in more from Ripley's in the
future. ;)
Links: BoingBoing Walt's
Letter (PDF)